Thursday, January 24, 2008

Question from Ch.2&4 that is interesting

"As a reader, do you find it easier to get a full picture of slavery through a slave or from the perspective of a British sailor?"

I found this question to be extremely interesting. I would be curious to see how stories or images of slavery would change depending on who was telling the story. In order to get a better sense of what slavery actually "looked" and "felt" like, I think it would be important to read the story presented by a slave. Although I liked how Stephen was able to recognize the cruelty of slavery when he witnessed the execution of a few slaves when they were burned at the stake, I still think I would have been able to see the full picture clearer had more detail been given. I think the detail could have been provided through a slave because events like these affected their lives more than whites. Even though an execution could be an everyday occurence, whites were highly unlikely to respond to them in such a way that a slave would. Since slaves were actually experiencing the unsafe and horrible conditions, they would be able to help the reader really picture what they were saying.

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