Monday, January 21, 2008

Summary of Introduction-BTC

In the Introduction of Hochschild’s Bury the Chains, the collaboration of a few citizens helped launch the anti-slavery movement that began in London which was going to change the lives of many. Although the printing shop where these men met does not have a plaque representing its historic value, the events that took place at 2 George Yard represent a great accomplishment. The anti-slavery movement was both an astonishing and historical movement in England because of its rapid rate of success as a result of the support from the British citizens. The outlaw of slavery became such a priority that citizens were even willing to sacrifice the economical growth of England by abolishing the slave trade in order to protect someone else’s rights. Although many thought slavery would never be outlawed, the actions of a few men proved to all that the efforts of a few people can really end up making a difference that will last a lifetime.

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