Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 15 Summary- BTC

In Chapter 15, the antislavery movement took flight all across Great Britain. This was a result of the efforts put forth by several key figures including Thomas Clarkson, Wilberforce, and the Quaker community. When the Industrial Revolution passed through Britain, post offices, newspapers, and new roads helped provide ways to spread information across the country. Granville Sharp started to help slaves take their m,asters to court to be prosecuted. The white lower class started to stand up for slaves, emphasizing their freedom. Naval impressment started to become an issue as well. Press gangs began seizing both sailors and innocent people in order to have them join their ships. As this naval impressment continued, Clarkson and Sharp were able to connect the press gang seizures to slavery. Both were equally unjust because of their foundation in capturing people and putting them to work.

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