Thursday, February 7, 2008

Possible Essay Question

A question that I am interested in is how the conditions of the slave ships and plantations are similar to the conditions of present day sweatshops. The sugar plantations and sweatshop factories are both extremely unsafe places. A major danger includes working with heavy machinery or operating machinery without appropriate protection. Both the slaves and sweatshop workers include children and other workers who are either getting paid little to no money at all. Also surrounding this idea I find it interesting how people are aware of how horrible slavery is and how horrible sweatshops are, but since there is such a reliance on the goods they produced, no one person can make a difference alone. People seem to be recognizing that these problems exist, but nothing else is occurring beyond this point. Only a select few people are taking action against sweatshops and slavery, but unfortunately, the majority of people aren't doing anything.

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